Thursday, October 30, 2008


   屬蛇的朋友,去年各方面的運勢只算一般,踏入牛年,地支巳酉丑三合,運程稍見起色。首先得吉星扶助,你的事業明顯有進步,而財運更是在眾生肖朋友中數一 數二,大有鯉躍龍門之勢;不過,流年又見凶星雲集,影響了愛情和健康的發展。聰明者宜把握先機,掌握運程起伏,便能進退有據,增加各方面的成功機會。
   流年「三台」、「金輿」兩大吉星相逢,大有求名得名,求利得利的凌厲勢頭。「三台」主謀事可成,大利事業,今年上班一族若向老闆獻上滿腹發展大計,定能 得到認同,並且獲得公司裏各部門互相配合,計劃得以貫徹實行,任務完成之後,升職加薪自然有望。不過,命宮同時見「官符」和「飛符」凶星,將影響你的判斷 力,令你在工作上出錯,輕則受老闆責罵,重則惹上不測之官非,不可不防。
   「金輿」是一顆財帛福星,既然「三台」為你創造事業良機,那麼,「金輿」財星也就能順理成章地為你創造財富,但蛇人不可不知,無論你是打工一族或是老闆 級,這兩顆吉星都不會主動給你帶來金銀財寶,它們需要你來主導,先付出努力和恆心,才能發揮作用,所以你千萬不可疏懶做事,守株待兔,否則白白辜負了吉星 附帶的財氣。
   今年凶星群集,加上你外冷內熱的性格、愛保護自己的心態,時常害怕受感情傷害而對愛情卻步,所以單身的你,在牛年也難有機會遇到拍拖對象,唯有繼續等待 吧。已婚或者在戀愛中的你,流年兩人感情一般,未見突破,甚至經常因小事爭拗,互不理睬,影響了彼此工作和日常的心情。已婚人士家庭運更差,需注意配偶健 康可能起變化。
   流年見「天哭」,主有孤獨、寂寞的事情,情緒也容易受環境影響,所以必須盡量保持心情輕鬆。今年你時常會在工作或愛情上遇到困擾,令你鬱鬱不悶,連帶身 體健康也受到影響,最常見的就是失眠。凶星也主有流淚事件,與長輩同住的蛇人,今年老人家身體欠佳,時常感覺不舒適,你切不可掉以輕心、馬虎處理,否則小 病變大病,也就應了流淚的災煞了。
   蛇人在牛年全年表現有起有落,基本來說,你的事業和財運都有明顯的進步,當中特別以金錢的運勢更見突破,應好好把握之餘,也要有居安思危的想法,做好儲 蓄的預算,以備不時之需。至於愛情方面,你必需檢討一下自己的個性,多主動與伴侶溝通,才能減少兩人之間的誤解,而單身者則有助提高自己的吸引力,增強異 性緣分,或許有機會在牛年中得遇新的戀愛對象。

Friday, October 24, 2008

Raining raining and raining...

Never stop raining this few days in miri. It always rains in the evening time. I stayed at home for 3 days,cant get my ass out in the evening time from home because of this showery weather.
Sometimes,we really can make fun when its raining. My 1st time playing under the rain was in Lambir2001 when we have a trip to Lambir waterfall after our UPSR exam.

When i woke up this morning, i was shocked when i received a msg from dad telling me that there's a fire in Lutong oldshop. I cant believe what he said until i went there myself to look whats really happening. OMG,who can believe fire come into sight when its heavy rain? The age of the shop is almost the age of my grandpa around 80+ years old. When i was a kid, i always went to one of the shop to buy some fishing goody for fishing. Til now,15 years i never change and still buying goody from that shop because i always get a good price from the tauke. Sadly,the shop only left dust behind.

Fishing shop was the last one to burn.(the black wall on the pic.)

Weather do influence on ppl'z emotion. It takes years to build a boat but take few seconds to destroy it. Now then i realize what i've done before is just a waste. Never appreciate what i've done. Its only moving the tongue and lip to say "i do".

Friday, October 17, 2008

MOCS concert.

Cant sleep now & was sulfing one of my fren website(RUIDI). I found something could be reminisce. MOSC CONCERT! Hope RUIDI don mind i get some of this marvellous photo from his side.

I found some photo related with the concert in my photo album too. Post it here for u guys to look at too.

What a memory back on that night concert.


Friday often to be badminton matches with friends when we still studying in college. Now,i cant perform my high performance skills with the L&F partners. Sigh,feel sorry for them that they cant find an opponent like me now. Hahaha... kiddin kiddin lar... To be frank,Miss those days playing with them.
Now i can rest myself outside the court and waiting for some matches next year.

After finishing my cycling course in Piasau road this evening,i stopped by Lutong beach for sunset. Unfortunately i missed the sunset but it still a nice scenery for some photo shoots.

Went back home around 7pm. Exhausted~ phew~ Time for me to take a nap now.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Effort still doesnt pay off~

After my 2nd attempt on my visa,i still cant get through. I accepted the truth that i cant move farther to Tees Valley. The reason are distint and SILLY. I just filled the wrong answer in my application form.This continuous failure will teach me a lesson to be rational when failure struck on life. I dont think this is a dead end in my life.

I will be going back to RIT to take my cert today and most probably will drop by L&P after lunch. I'm choosing 2+2 american degree program in INTI SubangJaya. Enrollment will be the whole month of November and admission will be on the 5th JAN'09.

Well,after all this miserable 'thingy' happened AND i still need wait for the next intake in JAN. Dad bought me a RodBike so that i can spend my time for sports rather than stay at home. Next month i will be joining a fund raising cycling event for PEIMIN. 200 kilometres cycling from miri to bintulu. I'm starting my training from this week onwards.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


15 weird things/habits/little known facts about myself:

1. Always lost my phone~
2.Like sports very much
3.Hang out at the beach every week.
4.White & silver will be the magic color.
5.Music is the best medicine when i'm sick.
6.HOPE can get a RodBike next month.
7.Always hang out with frens.
8.Cant wait for christmas.
9.Meat eater.
10.Foot size is 11. Do you guys think your foot is the biggest?!
11.Cant be bored when you hang out with me.
12.Like to sleep in hammock.
13.Never miss MYTHBUSTERS.
14.Finished CRYSIS yesterday
15.Sigh..apa lagi...Hope to continue my study soon lor~

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tired of waiting

I still dont know how long should i wait for my visa. If it's not today then tomorrow. If i cant get it by this week. I think i'm not going to teesside this semester. Sigh,waiting=stress.

I went to E SHI JI singing competition last saturday. I'm expecting something BIG from this competition but at last,really dissapointing all the audience. BECAUSE,the organizing chairperson told the local newspaper that they are doing the most high quality sound system and providing the most luxurious music stage for the singers. At last,most of the singers not satisfied with what they're promised before the competition. Sigh, dont try to bluff if you cant do it.

Now, i really dont have mood to do other stuff. What so fcuking hard for approving a visa. I guess i need to go to the beach this evening,the best moody medicine for me is sitting infront of the sea and watch sunset alone.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time with friends.

Around 3a.m this morning,i can't sleep so i woke up. Took my laptop to the living room and started to online. Then i saw "Ting~,Lewis Yong is online"... We didnt talk to each other since he left miri. So i Video Call him. What surprise me was flora in his room too. Wah,long time didnt chat liao. So we chit-chat for around 30 minutes because they wanted to go for laundry after that. They told me lots of stuff about manchester. When you ask ppl or direction in manchester. The best answer is "Look in Google map"... Told me that they have their handphone by today. So nextime is easier to find them because i got a FREE skype account.
-Honeymoon couple in manchester for 3 years-

After that went to bed,woke up around 10am. Felt sick and stayed at home. My parents and brother all went visiting because today is Hari Raya. Then,i remembered that Fynna told me shez open house today. So went there around 8pm. Jess was there too. We recall back all our friends in high school. Hahaha,everybody has their own story.
I look so not vivid in the picture,my head pain still bordering me lil bit and i didnt ate since this morning.I think we didnt took picture with each other for 1 year liao. Sigh,everybody is busy with their life. Masa pun tak cukup for us to chit-chat in fynna's place so plan to go out together one day to continue our humour conversation. Before we left we took a group photo.

After that went down to Boulevard to buy some stuff for my grandma. Traffic jam started from pujut to miri town. Then went back home.